Saturday, March 16, 2013

Welcome to Communicate with ESL Parents!

My name is Eric Goodman. I created this blog for two reasons. I want to be honest so I will share my main reason first and then my secondary reason.

The main reason I started this blog is to promote my new business, Advocate Latino. Our website can be found at I feel that we need to have a blog so that we can explain what we do. I believe we are different from any business that is somewhat similar to us. We do interpreting and translating for a Spanish-speaking audience, but our main goal is to communicate with Spanish speakers by building long-term relationships with them. In the United States, most of these Spanish speakers are Latinos, but we would definitely help someone from Spain as well. We want to communicate with our clients (English-speaking organizations) and their clients (Spanish-speaking customers, clients, and parents) is the most effective and efficient manner possible. My business partner, Ary, will be doing most of the communicating.

Most interpreting companies only offer three-party calls. We offer this, but we also offer two-party calls for those situations that do not require a three-party call. An example of this would be a reminder call for parent-teacher conferences. I cannot think of a good reason to make a three-party call to remind parents to go to conferences. If this is what you would like us to do, you could just give us a list and we could make all of the calls. By the way, I have found that participation at conferences is very low if only letters are sent home. Most of the time, parents are a little confused about conferences, and they need a phone call to reassure them. I have also found that one call is not as effective as two. My advice to teachers is to give one call about a week ahead of conferences and then another call one or two days before conferences. I have gotten the best results with this method.

The secondary reason I started this blog is to open a forum for teachers, administrators, health care professionals, and business leaders to share the methods they have used to communicate with clients, patients, and parents who have limited English proficiency. I believe that limited English speakers need to build strong relationships with organizations, and they need to be constantly engaged with the organization so that it works for them.

My experience comes from the public school system. I have found that better relationships with parents yield better performance from students in terms of academic achievement and behavior. If the goal is to put out fires, school districts will continually put out fires. It is no way for teachers and students to be productive.

Please post whatever you wish.

Remember that we have FaceTime! It is like having an interpreter in the room. Our prices are better than any other company in the field of translating and interpreting. We are also the first or one of the first to have FaceTime. Go to to see our prices.

If you are still not sure what we are, here is the best explanation I can give you: We are a cultural liaison/interpreter/translator for schools and other organizations that don't have the number of Latinos they need to justify hiring a part-time or full-time employee to do this type of work. Call us today to get started.

Eric: 715-821-0116
Ary: 715-350-2277
Toll Free (Ary): 800-378-5354

Take care,

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